Fill Your Fridge With Feta And Burrata Thanks To These Virtual Cheesemaking Classes

Attention cheese lovers! Ever wanted to learn how to make your own creamy cheese? Now’s your chance at Tramsheds.

By Tim Piccione / August 16, 2021

If you’re like us, you’ve been using your time in lockdown to learn new and delicious skills—thanks mainly to online masterclasses and take-home DIY kits. Things like cocktail-making or whipping up three-course meals with instructions from some of Sydney’s best chefs.

As for what we're really vibing right now? Making cheese from scratch. And that’s exactly what Omnom Cheese and founder Marly Badia are offering you. Normally operating out of her Rosebery shop, Badia has taken her adoration for cheese and 10+ years of experience making it from home to an awesome online masterclass.

Forget those store-bought slices of plastic cheese or that grated blend of who-knows-what in the back of your fridge—we’re talking about real cheese, made by you. And we all know the fruits of your own labour taste so much sweeter.

Don’t worry about having zero prior experience or knowledge (other than a love of eating cheese). All you need to do is order your cheese-making kit of choice, match it with the appropriate online masterclass, and you’ll have a fridge full of joy in no time. To be clear, that’s not as much of an exaggeration as you might think. Depending on the kit, you’ll yield between 4kg - 7kg of pure dairy goodness.

So, what can we make? Get to the cheese chat! Listen to your tastebuds and choose between the Halloumi kit ($49.95), the Fresco Italiano kit ($59.95), or the Mediterranean kit ($75.95). Each comes ready with the ingredients and tools you’ll need to feel like a seasoned veteran. All you have to do prep-wise is bring the milk.

Come for some cheesemaking expertise and pick up a little knowledge about unhomogenised milk along the way. This is something Badia knows a thing or two about and is a key element in the process for best results and maximum yield in cheesemaking.

Masterclasses are $19.95 each, or you can nab all three for $39.95 if your passion for cheese truly knows no bounds. Each class only involves between 35 - 45 minutes of hands-on work. That means the work-reward ratio is pretty ideal.

Head over here to check out Omnom's range of cheesemaking kits, and here for a taste of Omnom’s online masterclasses.

For more fun stuff to do at home in Sydney this week, head over here


Omnom Virtual Cheesemaking Masterclasses


Your ultimate guide to cheese and wine pairings —